Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Host Family #2 and Rice Fields

Well its been awhile.
Sorry for the very long needed blog. Right now I just moved to a new host family. And sadly. They do not have internet access D=
So I am in a fritz trying to figure out how to get Internet right now. But I guess I probably found out how since I posted this or I am already 3 months in the future at my new host family xD

Anyways. This week was SUPER busy for me. School is still a pain in the butt but I really like it. Just super tired. Wednesday was my Birthday! =D I am now officially 19 years old. Dude. I feel old. My last host family and I went to a Kaiten Sushi (conveyor belt sushi) restaurant on my birthday. Had lots of fun!

Then yesterday I was being moved to my next host family and I got to hang out with another family for a couple hours. There was a mom, dad and they had 3 sons in their 20’s. The one son who was the youngest was 24 I believe and came with us. He lived in Vancouver, Canada for a year when he was in Junior High school and his English is actually very good still!

They showed me around Yamaguchi City a bit, then went to Kaiten Sushi (Because we originally were going to KFC and they asked if I liked it, I said no. LOL Their reactions! Don’t tell someone u don’t like KFC xD They were like “WHA?! How can you not like it!” xD it was super funny)
But that is besides the point; this week I probably ate the most sushi I ever had since I got here! And no one will know what good sushi is until you come to Japan and have it here! Dear lord the things I really love xD
I love squid, octopus, shrimp, tempura, crab and so much! Its all so yummy!

Now onto some other school like subjects. My week is super busy. I am at school from Monday to Saturday from 8:30AM till 5PM everyday other then Saturday which is a half a day and I believe Wednesday is also around 4PM instead of 5PM.

It’s a lot of work and the students there are super nice!
I actually got to be friend a couple first year students from my school, they are super nice and really adorable XD We were waiting on the train on Saturday after school and they were asking me which Japanese bands I like or who were my favourite members. It was so hard to think of some at the time xD
Then they were pulling pictures they have in their pockets of their favourite idols and showing me, I swear they ALL have pictures of the idols they like on hand 24/7! XD
But this one girl pulled out her book and it had Matsumoto Jun from ARASHI in her book, and he is one of my FAVOURITE members of Arashi, when Im like “AH! Matumoto Jun!” she was so thrilled that I knew who he was! xD

Good day I say!

Well now I am with my new host family (so you know, I am writing this in parts, so every day could be different. This might be a story from 2 weeks ago! XD You will never know!)

But yes. I am with my new host family right now. I really like them! But I hate where I am living. I am out in the middle of NO where, I am in a small village between Honfu (or Hofu or something) City and Yamaguchi City. Which means I am even FARTHER away from my school =_=.
Great. Not to impressed there honestly. And I have NO internet AT ALL! No WI FI or ANYTHING! And its driving me MAD!
I am a girl built on technology! Without my computer I will surely die!
Plus I do voice work… and not to long ago I pretty much signed a contract with a big named video company to do voice work for them. And if I don’t have internet… oh f*ck there goes my chances of a debut of professional work down the drain! =_= I also do voice work for another big named voice actor who does videos based on a webcomic and he is like tumblr famous xD
But anyways. Its hard for me to get lines to him if I don’t have internet! My LIFE is the internet! D=

I know I should be enjoying my time here in Japan. I AM! I am learning so much! But Voice Acting is kinda my future career… and I am getting screwed over while I am here…
Its frustrating me. =_=


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